Judaism Unbound Podcast Episode 310: Judaism Unbound — Directors’ Cut (Dan and Lex)

Dan and Lex have spoken a bunch lately, on Judaism Unbound, with the hosts of other podcasts, that are not Judaism Unbound! They've asked about the structure of those podcasts, the vision behind them, and the goals they seek to achieve. But what haven't Dan and Lex done? Actually said how they, themselves, would answer those questions for Judaism Unbound. Today, they do just that, and offer a look behind the proverbial curtain of Judaism Unbound.

[1] For all of Judaism Unbound’s recent episodes which have featured hosts of other Jewish podcasts, click the following links:

[2] For earlier episodes of Judaism Unbound, which have featured hosts of other Jewish podcasts, click the following links:

[3] At the end of this episode, Lex emphasizes how much he and Dan appreciate receiving notes from Judaism Unbound listeners. Send your thoughts about this episode, past episodes, or anything else you want to talk about, to Dan@JudaismUnbound.com and/or Lex@JudaismUnbound.com!


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