Dan and Lex: Judaism Unbound Episode 300 - You, Yes YOU, are a Jewish Leader

Dan and Lex celebrate the 3-century mark of podcast episodes. They consider the drastic growth of Jewish creativity and experimentation, all around the country and in the digital world, over the 6 years that Judaism Unbound has existed, and they ask what a recent New York Times magazine article can help us understand about the idea of "Jewish leadership." There are also, as a fun treat, some outdated references to the 2006 film "300!"

[1] You may now purchase (DRUMROLL PLEASE….) Judaism Unbound MERCHANDISE, and show your love for our podcast to the world! Just head to JudaismUnbound.com/store now and check out our hoodies, mugs, notebooks, stickers, and more!!!

[2] Dan and Lex refer to an article from the New York Times Magazine, entitled “Inside the Unraveling of American Zionism,” which includes a bit about Judaism Unbound, a quote from Lex. Check out the article by clicking here. Take a look at the letter the article discusses, signed by 94 rabbinical and cantorial students, here.

[3] In this conversation, we talk a bit about our version for The UnYeshiva, our new digital center for Jewish learning and unlearning. Learn more about The UnYeshiva at UnYeshiva.com and/or by listening to Episode 292: The UnYeshiva - Dan and Lex.


Jeremy Dauber: Judaism Unbound Episode 301 - American Comics and Jewish Comedy


Julie Weitz: Judaism Unbound Podcast Episode 299 - Becoming a Golem