Ed-Jew-Cation — Learning, Not Literacy: Judaism Unbound Episode 339 - Diane Tickton Schuster

Diane Tickton Schuster, the editor of a new book entitled Portraits of Adult Jewish Learning: Making Meaning at Many Tables, joins Dan and Lex to ask what "Jewish education" means, and why it doesn't serve us when we think of it only (or primarily) as something that children experience. Also, Banksy makes an appearance (he says cryptically...)! 

[4] Here are the two photos mentioned in the episode, that serve as “book-ends” (literally!) to Tickton Schuster’s book:

“Discussing the Talmud” by Isidor Kaufmann (1853–1921); image courtesy of the Art Renewal Center, www.artrenewal.org. This image kicks off Tickton Schuster’s book, and helps illustrate what many people think of, when they hear “Jewish Education.”

“Agency Job” by Banksy, sometimes titled “Cigarette Break.” This image, in Tickton Schuster’s words, “plays with our perceptions of the boundaries of art; [Banksy] requires us to shift our understanding of what it means to “frame” an image.”

[5] Purchase Diane Tickton Schuster’s earlier books, mentioned in this episode, at either of the following links: Jewish Lives, Jewish Learning: Adult Jewish Learning in Theory and Practice, Portraits of Jewish Learning: Viewing Contemporary Jewish Education Close-In.

[6] For a few other past Judaism Unbound episodes, whose guests are featured as authors (or whose organizations are discussed) in Portraits of Adult Jewish Learning, see Episode 145: Studying Jews Differently - Tobin Belzer and Episode 156: Creating Jewish Theatre - Aaron Henne. For a bonus episode, which looks at Exagoge, the production by Theatre Dybbuk featured in Tickton Schuster’s book, see Bonus Episode: The Dybbukast Season 2, Episode 8 - Adapting Exagoge.

[7] Diane Tickton Schuster mentions that as an American-Jewish community, we have been reckoning with the ways in which we have counted some Jews, but not others, in the past and present. For more on this, see Episode 232: Why the Uncounted Count - Ilana Kaufman and/or Episode 293: Beyond the Count - Ilana Kaufman, Ari Y. Kelman.

[8] For a past episode related to the essay entitled “Portrait of an Emerging Jewish World, Learning from New Latinx Immigrant Jews,” written by Lourdes Arguelles and Anne M. Rivero, see Episode 57: Becoming Jewish on the Web - Juan Mejia.


Judaism Unbound Episode 340: More Religious Heresy - Jay Michaelson


Shawn Harris: Judaism Unbound Episode 338 - More Chutzpah, Less Reverence