Leiah Moser: Judaism Unbound Episode 277 - Trans Jewish Fiction

Leiah Moser, author of Magical Princess Harriet and rabbi at Reconstructionist Beth Israel in New Jersey, joins Dan and Lex for a conversation that weaves together threads around transgender identity, fantasy fiction, conversion to Judaism, and more. This episode is the fifth episode in a series that intertwines explorations of Judaism, through lenses of transgender experience, and explorations of gender, through lenses of Jewish experience.

[1] Learn more about Leiah Moser here, and follow her blog at DagGadol.org. Learn more about her congregation, Reconstructionist Beth Israel, here.

[2] Purchase Magical Princess Harriet by clicking here!

[3] For another article that considers the role that Jewish young adult fiction can play in the present and future of Judaism, see Episode 271: Jewish Stories We Need - Aimee Lucido, Sofiya Pasternack.

[4] Moser mentions how her reaction to an article called “Why There is No Jewish Narnia” played a key role in her eventual decision to write Magical Princess Harriet. You can read the original article here.

[5] Lex brings up the book of Enoch, and Moser discusses some of the ways in which it influenced her novel. You can check out the full text of the book of Enoch here, through a 1917 translation by R.H. Charles.


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