Sarah Bunin Benor, Professor of Contemporary Jewish Studies at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, and author of the award winning book Becoming Frum: How Newcomers Learn the Language of Orthodox Judaism gave this fascinating talk on the history behind one of the most controversial questions of the Festival of Lights — how DO you spell Hanukkah? Chanuka?….Khanike?

Hanukkah Video Learning

Dive into this collection of videos exploring Hanukkah in history, texts, and tradition that we’ve gathered over the years from holiday Zoom events and JewishLIVE shows. We hope the ideas here deepen your understandng of the holiday and inspire you to make it your own!

Zoe Fertik and Tova Birnbaum bring their personal stories, the holiday's history, the relevant texts, and various perspectives that can add insight and meaning to your understanding of the cycle of a Jewish year. The classes include text, song, and story in order to reimagine and reconnect to the Jewish holidays. "Holidays for Heretics" is at the same time personal and unconventional, while also being based in a love for tradition and a desire to make tradition our own.

Holidays for Heretics is presented by Tova Birnbaum and Zoe Fertik on behalf of the Oshman Family JCC and BINA: The Jewish Movement for Social Change.